Refreshments & Meals

PyOhio will provide limited refeshments during the event. All meals are on your own. There are a number of options within a short walk of the venue.

Conference Refreshments

Coffee and water will be provided durng the main conference hours. Bring a water bottle if you’d like!

Light snacks will be provided Saturday morning.

Cold soft drinks will be provided Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

Meal Suggestions

The following are near the venue and should be available during the lunch break on Saturday. Sorted by distance:

This is just a sampling of what’s available in the area and there are many other options. Explore and share your finds in the #lets-get-food channel in the PyOhio Discord.


While coffee will be available throughout the day if you’re looking for specialty coffee we recommend Rising Star Coffee at 412 Superior Ave (Inside the Hyatt Arcade).