This talk covers the intersection of hardware, software, peanuts and cracker jacks. I'll share how I built an IoT baseball scoreboard using readily available hardware and software written in Python. I hope anyone who attends this talk will be entertained, learn some new things and leave feeling empowered to make their own IoT (field of) dreams come true.
This talk will cover the hardware, code and libraries I used to build a digital baseball scoreboard for tracking my favorite MLB team. If sports aren't your thing, that's OK - there will be plenty of information applicable to other IoT/maker projects.
I'll cover use of the threading, queue and sched modules from the standard library. I'll also share how I used the mlbgame and gpiozero libraries. Finally, as a novice hardware hacker myself, I'll share what I've learned about hardware hacking including soldering tips, useful equipment, etc.
I've been programming with Python for around 15 years. I enjoy spending time with my family, running, vegetable gardening, playing guitar, and hacking on hardware related projects.
For my day job, I work on a popular mobile application for Android phones.