Smart and Simple Data Driven Hydroponic Sensing Applications Using Python, Flask & Raspberry Pi
By Bethany Poulin

The brilliantly conceived and executed Raspberry Pi platform is a wonderful tool for developing simple, cost effective, self-contained sensor-driven applications using Python, Flask and a little bit of ingenuity. This presentation is aimed at beginning to mid-level hobbyist with modest python skills or serious python programmers interested in hydroponics sensors.

Saturday 11:15 a.m.–11:45 a.m. in Cartoon 2

My intent is to present for 30-45 minutes with the primary focus on explaining the pieces and parts of the system, how they come together and working through the code to build a data driven flask application which monitors and records information about a home hydroponic garden autonomously.

Although most of the presentation will be a guided tour of the project from beginning to end, there will be hands on demonstrations of the code, including the launching of the flask application and as well as code supporting the graphical plotting of a live data stream.

A major component of this presentation will be the problem-solving process involved in executing a small-scale IoT project from beginning to end, with humbling tails of failure and rebirth while maintaining a clear and present focus on Python, Flask and the Raspberry Pi sensor platform as a vehicle for building development skills.

For a novice programmer this could serve as a first introduction to simple Internet of Things programming, module building and IoT integration in a compact package that most dedicated hobbyists could accomplish. It should also, because of the variety in content and application, be interesting to Python enthusiast of varied skill levels who find geeky home projects irresistible.

As is always the case with my presentations, the absurd could happen, and I am shameless about finding humor in my own epic failures, so it might just be amusing. And because I have extensive classroom experience, I can be both patient and engaging even when a live experiment goes awry.

Supporting Materials to be Posted on Github:

Full Parts List (with links to vendors) Step-by-step instructions Including:

Full Code Files, with Useful Comments Documentation About Major Decisions An Integrated Bibliography of Links to Resources (both mechanical and programming) Blueprints for a Simple Hydroponic System

Bethany Poulin

I am a practicing data scientist, self-learned programmer, former high school teacher and all around geek who is patently in love with data and exploration of the physical world via sensors and demographics. I just left working in Public Health as a Data Scientist to explore new avenues in data driven development and hope to engage more fully in the python community by locally and globally.
