Saturday Lightning Talks
By Dave Forgac

A series of 5-minute talks!

Saturday 5:15 p.m.–6:30 p.m. in Cartoon 1, Cartoon 2

  • Lock Your Mock - Aly Sivji
  • Abusing Type Annotations - Zach Mitchell
  • How does U2F / Yubikeys work? - LVH
  • Blast Asteroids with Arcade - Paul Everitt
  • Chocolate in PB - Dan Lindeman
  • Good Hacker / Bad Hacker - Dustin Ingram

Dave Forgac

Dave Forgac is a senior software engineer in Cleveland, OH. Dave has been a FOSS enthusiast ever since installing Linux for the first time in the late '90's. He loves building communities and is an organizer of PyOhio, CLEpy, and the Cleveland API Meetup.
